[Composing – 09] Things I have done in my life

My life is amazing. I started my paragraph like this because I like to live. I like to remain alive. In my life, I have been dating my wife since 2003. I started dating in May sixth, 2003. We have studied on CEFET in Goiânia. We have visited many cities and often, we travelled. In 2004, we went to Pirenópolis and we stayed in Pousada Mandala. This city has many waterfalls and good vibrations. In 2004, we went to São Jorge and stayed in Pousada Casa das Flores. This inn in excellent and the city has many waterfalls too.

However, I have many dreams that I would still like to do. Examples - I have not visited Orlando in the United States. I have not climbed Mount Everest. I have not gone surfing in winds of Hawaii. I and my wife have not gone to Punta Cana. Now, I wanted to have done but I have not: I have not finished my university and I would like to have more sons. This is my life. Adventures and challenger waiting me.

Marcos de Carvalho Oliveira

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